Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the seven mountains of society (i.e. media, arts & entertainment, business, education, family, religion and government), their current environments and conditions, and the role of the body of Christ to be a light and agent of change. While my focus has at times been on the mountains, God always brings me back to His most precious creation in the Earth, His body. Daniel 11:32 (AMPC) says, "...the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God]." There is a call going out in the realm of the spirit that NOW is the time to come into alignment with your God-given purpose and assignment.
Recently, I revisited a prophetic end-times vision of the body of Christ from Tommy Hicks who was used mightily by God in the Argentina revival of 1954. It was reported that as many as 400,000 people attended a single service and thousands received Christ during these meetings. Many signs, wonders and miracles... The door God used for Tommy Hicks to enter into Argentina was nothing short of miraculous. It's amazing what can be on the other side of your 'yes' to God.
This end-times vision he received from God in 1961 revealed so much about the role of the body of Christ in these end of days (the days we are living in now), and the powerful outpouring of God's Spirit and glory that will shake and destroy the very foundations the enemy has used to build structures of deception and destruction. Here is an excerpt from the vision Tommy Hicks received from the Lord that I want to highlight about the call and plan of God upon our lives and a dire need in this season to say 'yes.'
"And I beheld this Christ as he continued to stretch forth his hand; but there was a tragedy. There were many people as he stretched forth his hand that refused the anointing of God and the call of God. I saw men and women that I knew. People that I felt would certainly receive the call of God. But as he stretched forth his hand toward this one and toward that one, they simply bowed their head and began to back away. And each of those that seemed to bow down and back away, seemed to go into darkness."
When He stretches forth His hand to you, how will you respond? When light comes to you, will you embrace it or retreat into the darkness? Have you come to the end so His plan for you can begin? I promise that there is so much more for you through a door called, 'surrender and obey.'
"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land." (Isaiah 1:19)
Over time, I have come to the end of way, my plan, my will, my opinion, my selfish desires... I'm down to the Word of God, the call, anointing and plan of God for my life...this is it....nothing more and nothing less. I have nothing else, no plan b or plan c. Are you willing to say yes? Your 'yes' to Him will require you to say 'no' to some people, addictions, and habits in your life that you have become well acquainted with in your comfort zone.
There is a mountain you're called to occupy to be a light and agent of change for the advancement of God's will and plan in the Earth. It's not that there are a lack of believers in the seven mountains of society...I sense for many that there is a lack of clarity, direction, vision, consecration, spiritual maturity and/or power to stand and bring about change. Some are in the wrong mountain while others are in the right mountain but ineffective for specific reasons, some known and unknown to them.
I'm intrigued when we try and hold in our hands our ways, habits and plans, and think we can hold His plans mixed in with all of that. He's calling you...what are you going to do? For many, He's calling you to a deeper life in prayer and the Word so you can discern and hear what the call and plan of God is for your life and gain further light on the details of how he wants you to fulfill it. Leave the past behind you. Today is a new day! Let's get to the other side together....more to come on the blog and in 2019. Until next time, prepare your heart and life to say 'yes.' I wonder what's on the other side of your yes...